Varmaguru Shri. Vaikunth Kasturirangan, Chief Mentor and Founder:

Shri. Vaikunth Kasturirangan received his first “Mantra Upadesam and Deekshai” from His Holiness Shri Shri. Kanchi Mahaperiyavaa and Avathoodha Sadhguru Shri. Santhanandha Swamigal at the age of 4. Varmakalai is the mother of all arts, cure and healing. The art as such is estimated to be older than 50,000+ years, as per our ancient Vedic scriptures. Varmam as such is a divine blessing of ancient Siddhars and Sages like Agasthiyar and Bhogar. Each Varma point has its own significance and they breathe “life”. There are more than 40,000 Varma points in our human body, of which 108 points are considered very important and critical. The “7 Chakras” in our human body also plays a major role in Music and Enlightenment and Varmaguru Shri. Vaikunth Kasturirangan helps and supports our disciples and students in various Aasanas and activation of Chakras. He has spent most of his early life in research, focusing on Vedic Astrology and Veda Shastras. He has travelled the globe and lived in Americas for a long time, before he got his divine orders to relocate to India and service our Nation from his Gurus. More details can be found at . “Balalayam” is his brain child project.

When you/your child wishes to enroll in our Temple, after a basic assessment – our experts do a brainstorming session to arrive at well-defined Goals and Objectives. We also conduct regular counseling and reviews, so that you/your child is always comfortable and is making clear progress towards their G’s & O’s.

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