The most popularly requested module by parents, especially for their Children, Balalayam provides and exclusive 1 on 1 special training module with full focus on Competitive singing and preparatory phase for participating in Contests. Our Guru’s are highly experienced and have guided thousands of students in grooming them into various levels so that they can become star performers overall. The various topics and subjects covered are listed below, the course is best for students who have some years of training - formal or informal - in singing. The student is expected to have:
- Basic knowlege of Swara and Laya.
- Ability to sing with Tanpura. Students are required to have a Shruti Box or a Tanpura software.
- Student needs to submit a recording of their performance.
Topics Covered:
- Voice Modulation and Training course.
- Singing Quality - I.
- Singing Quality - II.
- Technicals.
- Voice Maintenance.
- Do's and Dont's.
- Presentation.
- Library of Songs.
- Tips For Singers While Auditioning.