Balalayam’s RAM – Ramanuja Academy of Mathematics
Balalayam – Temple for Eternal learning is where talents meet experts… Be it the world of Music or Mathematics, our experts are here to make you a celebrity!
Announcing the launch of Balalayam’s flagship “Ramanuja Academy of Mathematics – RAM” wherein our goal is set to get many children achieve their dream of scoring Centum or 100/100 in CBSE mathematics. We are happy to launch both ONLINE & OFFLINE modes of education, that too module by module. Our expert mathematician, academician and Guru Shri. Raghavan Raman, always believes that anyone can easily score a hundred in CBSE maths in India.
Yes, it comes by practice, sincerity, passion, hard-work and some great tactics. It is all about understanding and if the student is able to understand the problem, the solution can be easily achieved. We are here to teach you the “tactics and secrets” of the solution finding. RAM’s 4-step success plan for your child will definitely help your child unwind the fear of mathematics and our module-based approach will ensure that your child will master every module with ease. But, on one condition – we enrol only those children who have the genuine urge and passion to achieve, this program is for achievers only!
Strengths of the program:
- Module by Module sessions
- Pay per Module / Chapter
- Online / Offline classes available
- Progress tracker and analytics
- Model tests
Register for a free live class with us, we guarantee your child an experience of their life time in mathematics – fill out this form, limited entries only.